The latest Trust migrating to mediSIGHT is Royal United Hospitals Bath
The upgrade project completed in July following several months of preparation. The Trust have retained all historically recorded data and the seamless switch over ensured…
The leading ophthalmogy centre, part of The South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, has implemented the UK's most advanced EMR for eye care. Starting…
5-minute read: Interested in moving to mediSIGHT our next generation EMR?
This news story from Eye News is definitely worth a read. It has a wealth of information, benefits and insight from customers that have already implemented mediSIGHT.
Four Trusts in this area recognised the need to digitise their ophthalmology services in order to improve efficiencies and deliver better care to patients. East Lancashire…
Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust agrees a deal to use mediSIGHT at Luton & Dunstable University Hospital
This major implementation will support the modernisation of the Trust's ophthalmology workflows and enable safer, more secure and efficient patient care.